PUCKED Up Read online

Page 10

  I tense, because what the fuck does that mean?

  Her eyes go wide, possibly at my expression. “I mean, it’s just been me, but sometimes I use . . . helpers.”

  “Helpers?” I have no idea what she’s talking about. It makes me think of little elves running around down there, rubbing her clit for her.

  “Mmm . . . I have this little vibrating thing called a bullet, but it’s still just me touching myself. I’m gonna stop talking now so we can have sex.”

  She pulls me back down to her mouth. We’re slipping and sliding until it gets to the point where we’re both moaning, and I’m at risk of blowing my load all over her stomach if I don’t get in there soon. I glance down at the floor where my pants lie in a heap, wondering how I’m going to get to my wallet. Which is when I realize, I’m not packing.



  “Shit.” I bury my face in her neck and stay where I am, nestled nice and snug against her skin. I didn’t come with soldiers.

  I haven’t been carrying condoms for a while now because I don’t have a reason to use them. Having them on me is like letting an alcoholic carry around a bottle of booze and expecting him not to drink it. It’s better to go unprepared so I don’t accidently do something I regret. Up until now it’s worked out damn well. Now it’s stupidity on my part.

  “What’s wrong?” Sunny runs her foot up the outside of my leg, shifting things around. I go lower, away from the safety of her clit and closer to the hot heaven below.

  “I didn’t come prepared.” If my dick were a person, he would grow arms and legs and kick the shit out of me. I’d ask for a blow job, but I almost don’t deserve one for not having packed the most important damn thing of all. And I’m supposed to be a top-tier boy scout. Fucking fail.

  “Prepared?” She runs a hand through my hair and tilts her head back, giving me access to her neck. Her other hand comes to rest on my ass.

  I kiss along her throat to her lips. “I didn’t bring any condoms.”


  Her obvious disappointment makes me feel better and worse at the same time. I almost want her to say it’s okay to do it without one. She could tell me she’s on the pill, or gets the shot, or has one of those DUI things, and I’d still bag it. I can barely take care of myself at this point in my life; I don’t need to make it more complicated with unexpected surprises.

  “Oh! Wait! Alex always used to keep some in his bedroom. I’ll go check!” She unhooks her legs and pushes on my chest. I’m quick about getting off her, excited by the prospect that this could still go down. Sunny rolls out from under me as soon as there’s enough room and bounces off the edge of the bed. She stops at the door. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

  I lie on my side, my hard-on hovering a few inches off the bed, suspended in mid-air. “I’ll be right here, in this exact position, when you get back.”

  She bites her lip and looks me over, then turns and runs down the hall, her pert ass jiggling. As I lie on her bed, waiting for her to return, I wonder how she knows about her brother’s stash of condoms. Maybe she snooped in his room. I can’t imagine Waters offering up that information willingly. He’s far too protective of Sunny to help her out in the prophylactic department. If he knew she was about to use them with me, he’d probably make a noose with the leftovers and hang me by my dick from the rafters in the attic.

  Sunny returns a minute later wearing only a huge smile. She jumps on the bed, her perky boobs bouncing, pink nipples standing at attention thanks to the air conditioning. “Jackpot!” she shouts and drops a pile of condoms on the comforter.

  At first I think it’s awesome, because clearly this means Sunny wants to get her serious fuck on with me. Maybe we can have multiple rounds tonight. Morning sex could be an option—along with afternoon, mid-afternoon, early evening, and late-night sex. I can make up for months of no pussy all in one weekend. Then I pick up one of the gold squares and flip it over. It’s not a regular, run-of-the-mill Magnum. It’s a Magnum XL.

  “These came from your brother’s room?”


  “Did you bring his entire stash?”

  “Nope. There’s loads more if we need them!” She’s bouncing, and her boobs shake with the movement. It’s distracting. “He used to have a couple of boxes in there, back before he moved to Chicago. I figured I’d take a chance and see if there were any left, and this is what I found. I guess he probably doesn’t need them anymore, so they’re all ours.”

  I ignore the last part. I don’t want to think about what he and my sister get up to since I’ve already witnessed the tail end of fuckery—literally—in the team locker room after he got ejected from a game for fighting. No amount of brain scouring will get rid of walking in on that. The only good part about that night was meeting Sunny.

  I sift through the pile, flipping them over as I go, looking for something more my size. So far all I’m finding are the XLs. “You think he used these?”

  Sunny nods.

  “You’re sure he didn’t get them for promo or something?” I’ve never checked out Waters’ junk on purpose, but we all walk around the locker room and air our shit out after it’s been cramped in a cup. Except Randy. He’s weird about shit like that. Waters doesn’t look like he should need these. I’m way bigger than he is when I’m hanging low. But then I’m a shower, not a grower.

  “I have no idea. All I know is he keeps them in his closet.”

  “You said he wasn’t a dickwhore. Why would he need all of these if he wasn’t planning on using them?”

  She waves off the comment. “I don’t think he usually has this many. His friend Reid gave these to him as a joke for his twenty-fifth birthday.”

  “Huh. Well, I guess we lucked out. It looks like you found the mother lode.” Now I know way too much about Waters’ dick and the reason for Violet’s awkward gait when they were first dating. I guess she must have gotten used to him by now.

  I sift through the pile and finally find a green foil square, thank Christ. Here’s the thing about condoms: it definitely sucks if they’re too small. No one wants to feel like the circulation is being cut off in his dick. But I’d sure as hell rather wear a condom that’s a little on the snug side than go with one that’s gonna make my lightning rod look like it’s wearing a baggy sock.

  I’ve used the green ones before. They’re extra snug, and it makes my junk look more impressive when I have to fight to roll it on. The shaving routine helps make everything look bigger, too. Not that I need any help there.

  “So . . . um . . . do you think one of those will work? I checked the expiration date. They’re all good for, like, two more years.”

  She’s doing that thing with her hair again. I hold up the green foil square. “This is perfect. I’ll thank your brother the next time I see him.”

  Sunny’s eyes go wide. “You better not! He’ll castrate you.”

  I slip an arm around her waist, and condoms crinkle under us as I roll over on top of her. “You don’t think he’d be cool with us being safe?”

  “Alex would like to think he’s done a great job acting as my guard dog since high school.”

  “You’re right. I won’t thank him. We’ll keep his secret stash between us.” I drop a kiss on her chin and another on her lips.

  Now that I know this is for sure going to happen, I’mma take my time and make sure I do Sunny right. There’s also the whole thing about me being the first guy to give her an orgasm. It’s almost more important than being the first guy she had sex with—not that I want know anything about that.

  Being the provider of the first big “O” gives me some power. It elevates my status. I’m the White Knight in the land of Orgasmia, wielding my magical sword of awesome.

  We make out until Sunny claws her way down my back and starts jabbing her nails into my ass, trying to make my dick go lower. I sit back on my knees and grab the foil package I’ve set aside, but Sunny takes it
from me and sits up.

  “I want to do it.”

  “It’s all you, sweets.” I motion for her to do her thing.

  There’s something extra hot about having a woman put the condom on. Sunny’s right at eye level with my cock, and my dick twitches as she gives me a few slow strokes. She tears open the wrapper, inspects it to make sure she has it the right way around, then rolls it over the head.

  Her tongue peeks out, and she glances up. “Are you sure this is gonna work? I think the gold ones are bigger.”

  “This’ll work fine.” I put my hand over hers and help her roll it down the rest of the way.

  Sunny folds her legs underneath her and rises up on her knees. She still has one hand on my cock. The other one smooths up my chest. I bend to meet her.

  “You’re all ready for me,” she whispers against my lips.

  “I sure am.” I wind an arm around her waist and use my knee to spread her legs wider as I lower her to the mattress. She rubs the head of my cock over her clit, then goes lower. I push up on my forearms so I can see her face as I ease inside.

  I have to fight to keep my eyes open. I don’t know if it’s because it’s been more than three months since I’ve had sex, or because of the anticipation tonight, or because it’s Sunny—maybe it’s all of the above. The reason doesn’t matter, but the high is close to how I felt when we won the Cup.

  A soft sigh falls from her lips. The nails digging into my left ass cheek retract. I can’t focus on any one sensation without being sidetracked by another. The visual and physical stimulation are putting my brain and body on overload.

  Sunny’s fingertips sweep up my back, the lightness of her touch causing my muscles to jump. When she reaches my shoulder she makes a circle, then draws a line up my neck, following the contour of my jaw to my chin.

  Even though she’s underneath me, she’s the one in control. I won’t move until she tells me to. And I’m perfectly cool with not moving. Being inside her is a whole different level of magical.

  Sunny’s fingers drift over my lips, her eyes searching mine. Her smile is as soft as her touch. “Kiss me, please,” she whispers.

  So I do. It’s unhurried, gentle brushes of lips and warm sweeps of tongue. There’s none of the earlier aggression when I wanted her worked up. A black knot of guilt settles in my stomach. For a second I worry that maybe I haven’t been fair about how we got here, maybe I’ve manipulated her into this position. But then Sunny shifts under me, circling her hips, and I forget everything but the feel of her.

  We move together, and for once it doesn’t feel like a performance. It’s not about reaching the goal, about making her come—although that’s an objective for sure—it’s about experiencing her.

  There aren’t any acrobatics on her part. She doesn’t try to bend herself into a pretzel, and she doesn’t scream my name, or slap my ass, or tell me how the rumors are so true. We kiss and move and groan into each other’s mouths. I never pick up the pace, I just change the angle a bit and draw her left leg up higher so I can hit that sweet spot with every slow thrust.

  She gasps, and her moans get louder. I push up on one arm, holding the back of her head in my palm. I like the feel of her hair sliding between my fingers and the weight in my hand.

  Sunny’s fingertips rest under my bottom lip and her palm curls around my chin. It’s intimate and dominating at the same time, both of which I’m okay with. Her eyes are locked on mine again, something like surprise or awe behind them.

  She starts to tremble, her legs tightening around my hips, her left knee pulling higher. I hold it there, between my ribs and my biceps, helping to keep the angle for her.

  “Oh God, Miller. I think—” The words are cut off by her ragged inhalation. Her grip on my chin tightens as her mouth drops open, and she shakes her head like she doesn’t believe it’s happening.

  “Just let go, baby.” I’m right there with her, unable to look away as every muscle in Sunny’s body clenches with her first-ever sexgasm. With me.

  Something happens then, and it’s unexplainable. It’s like being body-checked by all the sensations I associate with orgasms: the tingle, the burn, the tightness, the expansion, and the final explosion—all of it happens at the same time. With it comes some weird emotional cocktail that I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with. It’s that high feeling again, but more extreme. I feel like I’m submerged in her. Like I’m inside her in more than just the literal sense. I don’t feel attached to my own body.

  When I’m finally done coming, I struggle to keep from collapsing on top of her. I slide my arm under her and roll to the side, taking her with me.

  “I don’t even know what happened there,” I mumble into her hair.

  She makes this contented little noise. I feel her nose on my cheek and her lips moving along my jaw.

  When her lips reach the corner of my mouth I turn my head and kiss her, going deep, holding her close. My cock kicks, like maybe he’s fighting to get hard again and keep going. It’s not going to happen right now, though. Maybe in half an hour. He kicks again, as if trying to prove me wrong.

  “You still taste like me,” Sunny whispers.

  “You want me to wash my face?”

  “No. I don’t want you to go anywhere.”

  We make out until I’m on the verge of getting hard again. I’m still inside her. Usually after sex I hit the bathroom and clean up, get some distance from whoever I’m in bed with. Not tonight. Sunny’s the one who breaks the kiss. She pushes on my chest, and when she tries to wriggle out of my grasp I throw my leg over hers.

  “Miller.” She giggles when I burrow through her sweet-smelling hair and nibble on her shoulder.

  “You don’t want to cuddle with me anymore?”

  “I need the bathroom.”

  “I can come with you.”

  “Ew. No thanks.”

  “Not into that, eh?”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  I loosen my hold, but she still has to work get out of my arms, giggling the entire time. She kneels on the bed beside me, naked, her skin still flushed. She looks happy, relaxed, and tired. She wraps her index finger and thumb around the base of the condom.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Getting rid of this for you.”

  “You don’t want to keep it as a memento of your first orgasm during sex?”

  She makes a gagging sound. “I think the memory is enough.” She slides it off and holds it out as she bounces off the bed.

  I take in the bare expanse of her body as she skips to the bathroom. Sunny pretty much dances everywhere she goes. She’s light on her feet, and her long legs give her a gazelle-like quickness.

  She’s in there for a few minutes. I hear the toilet flush and the sound of running water. The door to the bathroom opens, and she’s still magnificently naked. She crosses over to the vanity and starts braiding her hair, working from the right side to the left so it travels along her hairline at the base of her neck and over her shoulder.

  I alternate between watching her reflection and appreciating the curves of her body. I’ve been with a lot of women. I’ve seen a lot of bodies. I’ve been with models and those waif types who look like they should probably score a few meals at an all-you-can-eat-buffet. Sunny, however, is my ideal, or she’s become it. Her long limbs are defined with strength, and there’s softness to her in the places there should be. She’s confident and comfortable in her own skin; it’s sexy.

  “You coming back to bed so we can snuggle?” I hold my arms open.

  She turns off the light in the bathroom and climbs up beside me. “For a big bad hockey player, you’re kinda a softie, you know that?”

  “Don’t tell anyone. You’ll ruin my reputation.”

  Sunny snorts as she curls into my side. She traces the line of my eyebrow. “I wish it was always this easy to be with you.”

  I lift her chin so our noses touch. “I’mma work on trying to make that happen, ’kay? Just give me so
me time.”

  She presses her lips to mine. “’Kay.”



  It takes me a good thirty seconds to orient myself when I wake up. The bed is unfamiliar, but the smell of the sheets isn’t. It’s a combination of sex and Sunny. I glance to the right, where she should be; her pillow is empty. The clock on the nightstand tells me it’s way late already. But then, we were up until five in the morning getting busy. I stretch and yawn, debating whether or not I’ll fall asleep if I close my eyes again. My time with Sunny is limited. I only have today and tomorrow before I have to leave for the camp.

  Even if I invite her up to visit, we won’t have much in the way of alone time. She’d have to stay in a cabin with other people. I’ll be in with the male counselors. Sex would be off the table. There’d be zero privacy, and humping on her in the forest, while fun, could prove problematic. There’s no coed business going on at camp since the junior counselors are usually a bunch of horny almost-adults.

  When I went to hockey camp as a teenager, I always had the most insane hard-ons. They were a pain in the ass to get rid of, until I became a senior counselor. Then I got to break all the rules I made everyone else follow. Nature makes me wanna get my fuck on. I don’t know why. If I’d been put in a coed room, it would’ve turned into a damn orgy. Okay, probably not, but I would’ve dreamed about it becoming an orgy.

  The sheets tent at my waist thanks to my reminiscing. It would be nice to have Sunny there with me, even if we can’t get naked. She’d get to see me doing something other than playing hockey and being an asshole on social media. I’d get to spend more time with her, in an environment where I know she’d have fun. The only real issue would come from not being able to get all up inside her the entire time. On second thought, having her there might be like torture.

  After last night, it’s gonna be a real challenge to keep my clothes on when we’re alone together. Sex with Sunny was way more intense than I’d expected. Even more amazing is that I pulled an orgasm hat trick of firsts on her: I made her come with my fingers, my tongue, my dick, and I gave her her first set of multiples. That beats out any other hat trick in the history of hat tricking. It’s a Super Hat Trick with the multiples thrown in there.